Dr. 贝基·林恩·考特

Department, Office, or School
  • 教授

I came to Rhode Island College in August 2009, a matter of days marking the space between the conclusion of my graduate work (at the University of Connecticut) and the beginning of my faculty position here. While I have lived in Connecticut my entire life, my family has strong roots in this state.  

As the Director of Writing, I identify first and foremost as a Writing Program Administrator; my position here at RIC includes, 除此之外, the oversight and continuing improvement of the First Year Writing Program. I am privileged to talk with other people, 项目, 部门, and organizations about writing and to help shape RIC’s polices and curriculum. My own scholarship is directly informed by, and contributes to, my administrative work. 

I also get to teach some fabulous students in some energetic and inspiring classes. I teach a FYW course nearly every semester, where I get to see great student projects evolve. The Rhetoric and Writing (RAW) minor affords me the opportunity to work with students in a variety of majors, and I have been able to introduce students to my discipline in upper-level and graduate English courses.

My interests as educator, 研究员, and writing program administrator intersect and currently include multimodality, 并修课程课程, directed self-的地方ment (DSP), and the role of research fluency in First Year Writing. I work to create equitable writing 项目 and courses which enable students to become effective communicators in school, 在工作中, and in their personal lives.

在一天结束的时候, I cross the state line back to Connecticut, where I enjoy spending time with my own active family. I like to be outside where I can hike, 植物的花, and generally just enjoy nature, 包括美国.S.’s national parks and forests. But there’s also room in my life to watch television and movies, 偷偷打个盹, 阅读, 读, 读.


BA, Eastern Connecticut State University
MA, University of Connecticut
PhD, University of Connecticut


“A Compelling Collaboration: The First Year Writing Program, Writing Center, and Directed Self-
放置.“和克劳丁·格里格斯.  Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. 即将到来的春天

“All Hands on Deck: Bringing Together High School Teachers and Adjunct Instructors for
Professional Development in the Teaching of Writing.詹妮弗·S. 烹饪.  T / W:
Journal of Writing Teacher 教育.
 2.1 (2013): 49-56. 网络.

“On the College Front: Patrick Hartwell's ‘Grammar, Grammars, and the Teaching of Grammar’
and the Composition Anthology.”  Language 艺术 Journal of Michigan. 27.2 (2012): 57-62. 


FYW 150Boost:  The Writing Boost
FYW 100:  Introduction to Academic Writing
FYW 100Plus:  Introduction to Academic Writing Plus
FYW 100Honors:  Introduction to Academic Writing Honors
ENGL 222:  Introduction to Professional Writing
ENGL 230:  Work的地方 Writing
ENGL 232:  Public and Community Writing
ENGL 378:  Advanced Workshop for Professional Writing
ENGL 379:  Rhetoric for Professional Writing
ENGL 520:  Topics in Composition Theory and Rhetoric